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Welcome to the Holy Spirit Baptizer! 


We Have Some Exciting Video Presentations for You!

A Word from the Chair: Hi, my name is Loree Renwick and I am chair of the Nelson Diocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services Committee. 


We are all excited with our website and thank webmaster, Roy MacIntyre, who will keep us updated with charismatic happenings not only in Nelson Dioceses but as far reaching as international events. This site is very user friendly and I encourage you to click around and discover what you are looking for and more. 


Our website, Holy Spirit Baptizer, is intended not only to inform about things charismatic but to promote and encourage Baptism in the Spirit. To this end we have a team (approved by our Bishop and having completed the Save Environment Protocol for Nelson Diocese) available to come to your parish or community to provide a Holy Spirit Gathering. For more information, contact us under Contact. 


When we say, Baptism in the Spirit, we are not speaking of the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation where we received the seal of the Holy Spirit and the sevenfold gifts. We speak of making a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and asking for the release of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. This can be understood when we read in Luke 11:13 “How much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask.” 


Further we can see that Jesus meets us where we’re at in Acts 11:15 “. . . while I (Peter) was still speaking the Holy Spirit came down upon them just as He came upon us in the beginning”. Here, Peter is speaking to Cornelius and his household who were not yet baptized in water, yet they were filled with the Holy Spirit and with power. 


Jesus is the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and it is His desire that all His followers be filled with the Holy Spirit to enable each of us to have the zeal to respond to His call and to live the Gospel life. In John 14:12 Jesus tells us we will do even greater works than He. This is not possible with human strength but by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. 


Check out our blog, be free to respond to articles or other items on the website. Send us an email, found under contacts, with your message. There is a list of prayer groups in the diocese with contact information and each prayer group has an open invitation for you to join them for their weekly meetings and special events listed under Conference and Retreats. 


May you be richly blessed as you navigate our website and hopefully experience the availability of the Holy Spirit. St. Pope John Paul II taught - There is always more.

Dear Friends,


Please check out the video talks by Father Obi, and the testimonies of  several young people at our 2023 conference in April. Also, we have the talks by Pauline Dumas McGrath our presenter at the August 2023 Gathering in the Spirit.  We had a wonderful experiences at both events and we think you will be blessed by them as well. 

Our fall Zoom prayer  prayer meetings talks are posted and we will resume the NDCCRS Zoom Prayer Meetings in January. (See Here

There is also the Fall BC Charismatic Newletter to my right.


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©2016 by Nelson Diocese Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services. 

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